Baby Thach  •  Stories  •  Scrapbooks  •  Train



 Baby's First Picture 

For our first visit with the OB doctor, we were scheduled to listen to the heartbeat. They couldn't find it, so we got to do a wand ultrasound. It was AMAZING! The operator positioned the screen so all three of us could watch. We all were amazed by how active it was. The baby was moving around SO much. We got a couple of still images from the machine. While interesting, those pictures do not do justice to the experience of seeing all that movement.

 Inner Child 

One thing that I've found is great fun is to sit on the edge of hotel beds and bounce. Chris, Mom and Teresa are convinced that this new behavior is fun but odd to see from me. Mom says this must be me responding to my "inner child" -- then she realized that was a double entendre and now is really proud of herself for thinking of it.

 New Glasses 

I picked out new glasses at Thanksgiving while visiting Amy and the office where she works. Finally gave her my prescription at Christmas and now have the new glasses. This is the first pair that I've picked on my own since I met Chris; he's lukewarm on them but says they are okay. Teresa, Mom and Dad say these make me look like sister Cecilia. Amy and I aren't convinced of that.

 Story 4 

Next story here: 2 heads better than one? AND/OR ...Multitasking making a person?